A young girl and her busy mom with glowing skin

Dr. Pimple Popper's Skincare Guide for Busy Moms

You don't have to choose between taking care of your family and taking care of your skin health.


3 minute read

Between mealtime, playtime, bathtime, and more, moms have a lot of time — just not for themselves. While it’s understandable that some things just have to give, your well-being — including your skin health — shouldn’t be one of them. Here’s how to maintain a routine amidst all of your daily chaos.

Take time for yourself

It’s a classic mom stereotype: you spend wayyyyy more time taking care of your kids than yourself. Case in point: a hurried trip to the drive-thru after packing them a well-balanced lunch, or skipping your workout so you can cheer on the tee-ball game.

But according to Dr. Lee, an effective skincare routine doesn’t need to be time-consuming or expensive. “Spending just a few minutes, twice a day, to cleanse, treat, and moisturize your skin will pay off in the long run,” she notes, “and by watching you, your kids will build good habits, too.”

Dr. Lee’s skincare suggestions

Get some rest

We’ve talked about the importance of sleep for skin health before, but it’s worth reminding all you sleep-deprived moms. Nighttime recharges your skin cells — it’s when they repair all that daily damage, and it does wonders for relieving dark circles and dullness.

But we’re under no delusions: oftentimes it’s just not possible to get a good night’s rest, especially when you’ve got very young children. So for those who need to hear this: it’s OK to nap instead of reorganizing the pantry. If sleep is out of the question, smooth on a face mask and listen to a 20-minute meditation.

Dr. Lee’s skincare suggestions

  • Retinol helps speed up cell turnover, minimizing the look of fine lines and wrinkles, and promoting a more even appearance. You should use it at nighttime only. Try my SLMD Retinol Resurfacing Serum which is designed to work gently overnight.
  • Using a face mask a couple of times per week can help keep your pores clear, which will ward off breakouts. I love my SLMD Clear Out mask because it penetrates pores and helps smooth skin, but isn’t at all drying.

Do more with less

Let’s be real: a 10-step skincare routine isn’t in the cards for most moms. But here’s the good news: you don’t need all those products to keep your skin looking great. Here’s a quick rundown of Dr. Lee’s top SLMD product suggestions broken down by skin concern:

Please note: if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, consult with your doctor before using any skincare treatment products.

Dr Sandra Lee

Dr. Lee's Last Word

I hear from a lot of moms that they don’t have time to take care of their skin. I get it — I’m a busy mom, too. The good news is that all you need is just a couple of minutes, twice a day. Bare minimum, cleanse and moisturize…and don’t skip the sunscreen. I know you’re putting it on your kids, so show yourself the same love!


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