Got Thin, Peeling, or Cracked Nails? Here Are 6 Reasons Why
Polished or naturally nude, we've got a few tips to get those nails back in check.
3 minute read
Getting a manicure is one of the most popular forms of self-care — but if your nails are thin, peeling, and cracked, one of the most enjoyable experiences becomes anything but. Whether you’re into the perfect polish, or more of a naked nail type, it can be frustrating — or even embarrassing — to have nails that look less than presentable.
But you’re not alone: according to medical research, nearly 20% of the world population suffers from weak, brittle nails. What could be causing your nails to break so easily? Below, we’ve rounded up the top reasons behind weak and splitting nails — and what you can do to strengthen yours.
#1 You have a gel manicure obsession
Gel manicures look gorgeous, and they last longer than traditional ones, making them a great option for vacation. The thing is, they’re not so good for the health of your nails. In fact, they can actually lead to brittleness, peeling, and cracking. That’s because nail technicians file your nails pretty dramatically prior to applying gel polish in order to improve adherence. Afterwards, the polish is scraped off after soaking in acetone, which is very harsh on your nails.
The fix: If you have a standing appointment at your nail salon, take a break and let your nails breathe between gel manicures. Switching to traditional nail polish may also help. Finally, keep your nails moisturized between gel manicures by regularly applying lotion or oil to your nails and cuticles. Try: SLMD Hyaluronic Acid Serum.

#2 You pick off your nail polish
Peeling off polish (whether gel or traditional) when your manicure starts to chip isn’t just getting rid of a pretty coat of polish. You’re also removing part of the top layer of your nails, leading to thinning. It can take months for your nails to grow back healthy.
The fix: Do not — we repeat — do not peel off your nail polish. Try a non-acetone polish remover to take off traditional nail polish without weakening them any further. When removing gel polish, allow them to soak thoroughly and don’t over-scrape.
#3 You do housework and dishes without gloves
Cleaning your kitchen and bathroom is a necessary chore. But repeated, prolonged exposure to chemicals found in cleaners as well as soap and water could be weakening your nails, leaving them brittle and prone to splitting.
The fix: This one’s easy — throw on a pair of rubber gloves before scrubbing. This will prevent chemicals, soap, and water from touching your nails (and skin!) while you clean. Pro tip: slather on some moisturizer to support your skin barrier, especially around your cuticles, before putting on gloves. Try: SLMD Glycolic Acid Body Lotion.
#4 You don’t eat a well-balanced diet
Sometimes, brittle or misshapen nails are caused by a vitamin or nutrient deficiency. This could be from any number of shortfalls, including various vitamins (like A, C or D), zinc and iron. While the most commonly-touted hair and nail supplement is vitamin B7 (aka biotin), there isn’t a lot of clinical data to support the connection.
Biotin helps our body to convert the food we eat into glucose, which is what our body uses to produce energy. Biotin also helps us create the building blocks of protein — fatty acids and amino acids — and activate the metabolism in the roots of our hair and the cells of our nails. While biotin supplements aren’t typically harmful, they can potentially affect certain lab tests, so definitely talk to your doctor before taking them.
The fix: Eat a healthy diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals. With your doctor’s approval, add hair and nail supplements if you’re still not seeing an improvement.

#5 You use your nails as tools
If you tend to use your nails to scrape, peel, or pry things off, then you leave yourself open to breaking them. While nails can be extremely handy (ahem), please — find a better tool for the job. Bonus: your manicure will last longer.
The fix: No surprise here, we strongly encourage you to use actual tools, like scissors, for prying, peeling, or scraping, instead of your nails. Keep them cut (relatively) short to prevent further injury, too.
#6 You’re getting older
You can’t stop the hands of time, and sadly, nails often become thinner or more brittle as you age. This may be the result of collagen changes as we get older.
The fix: Apply a nail hardener to strengthen thinning nails caused by aging. You can also take some of the other measures we’ve already mentioned above: like laying off the gel manicures, wearing gloves when cleaning, making sure you get enough biotin, and using hand lotion or cuticle oil frequently.

Dr. Lee's Last Word
As a dermatologist, I see a lot of different nail conditions in my practice — but having thin or weak nails isn’t necessarily a sign of an underlying condition. Lots of different lifestyle factors can come into play. Take care of your nails and maintain a healthy diet…if this doesn’t help your nails, talk to your doctor to rule out medical causes.