We’re partnering with The Jed Foundation

in support of skin health + mental health. Because everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin: from feeling empowered to manage a skin condition to finding resources and support for the mental health challenges so many of us face.

We’re partnering with The Jed Foundation

in support of skin health + mental health. Because everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin: from feeling empowered to manage a skin condition to finding resources and support for the mental health challenges so many of us face.



Straight talk about mental health topics.

Americans have a diagnosable mental health disorder.*

Those who experience acne vulgaris have an increased chance for major depression…**

of young adults say they do not feel they have a trusted adult to go to for advice and support if they are experiencing a problem.***

Of young adults feel they are able to speak about their emotions with others.***

people in the world experience depression.****

*National Institutes of Health | **British Journal Of Dermatology | ***Mental Health Foundation | ****World Health Organization


Overcoming the stigma of skin conditions, one story at a time.

Cassandra's Story: Acne

Kaitlin's Story: Psoriasis

Goms' Story: Eczema

Explore Jed + Resources

Supporting skin acceptance, finding mental health resources and securing assistance.

Find resources

JED’s Mental Health Resource Center helps you manage your emotional health, cope with challenges, and support the people in your life.

Find ways to manage feelings, navigate emotional challenges, get information on mental health conditions, and get help for yourself or a loved one.


I need help now

  • Call 911 if your life or the life of someone you know is in immediate danger.
  • If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone right now, text START to 741-741 or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for a free, confidential conversation with a trained counselor 24/7.

Meet JED

JED’s work shifts the culture and conversation around mental health by equipping individuals, strengthening schools, and mobilizing communities.

  • Strengthening the emotional health of teens and young adults
  • Preventing substance misuse, self-harm, and suicide as a result of emotional distress

Make a difference today

One in four young people experience a mental illness. Unfortunately, the majority of those struggling do not receive the help they need. By making a gift today, you will have an immediate impact on the lives of young people.


Join our Journey

Fostering connection and cultivating skin health together.
